The little saga of the sewing room clean-up continues…….
I finished the job! Good news: I found my sewing scissors and even my embroidery scissors that I use for applique.
I found them on the cutting table under all of the pieces of fabric, trim, and unfinished applique squares that I am eventually going to use in a pretty patchwork shower curtain.
The problem with my sewing area is that not only do I sew there, I use the tables for shipping and photography so they tend, over time, to collect odds and ends. Are you like me and tend to clutter stuff? De-cluttering your work area is also a great way to free your mind of clutter, too. It also relieve some stress, believe it or not.
Here are pictures of how the room looks now.
So, now I can think……. Think of what to do next. Do I finish the little projects I have started or do I want to begin anew? I think I will just toss my experiments (otherwise known as started projects) and start again. Of course, this doesn’t work with a major project you might have been working on and off for years. I have a quilt that I have been trying to complete for many years…..I will keep that and continue it but the others will go.
Now that you can think of a new project, here’s a place for ideas and kits – this one is a good one for step by step: Tara Rebman- Quilt-As-You-Go: Patchwork Bags. Craftsy is a great place to find a lot of ideas.
Now I have one less “worry” and can enjoy the beautiful prairie that I see when I look out the window.
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